The teacher cum comedian in a detailed statement rejected assertions by
the GES that he absented himself from school for 55 days without approval
from his headteacher.
Teacher Kwadwo claims he was granted special dispensation by the school
to absent himself every Friday due to the social activities he was
undertaking which benefited not just his school, but other schools in the
“Contrary to the claims by the GES that, I was absent from school for 55
days without permission, I state categorically that this information is
false and misleading.
“In fact, during the proceedings, the Committee established that on the
relevant occasions, I had at all times received permission from the head
of my institution,” he stated.
Another ground for his dismissal was his failure to write and submit
lesson notes as required by his profession but Teacher Kwadwo stated the
claim was untrue as he prepared the lesson note.
Teacher Kwadwo stated that in the era of digitization, it made little
sense for him to write his lesson notes and that he prepared the notes
with his laptop and printed it but was rejected by the school.
“Management claims that I refused to prepare and submit lesson notes to
the headmaster for vetting.
“This information is also untrue and skewed to justify a baseless
decision. In fact, the Committee found that I had at all times typed and
printed my lesson notes which I presented to the headmaster.
“Except that my headmaster continued to insist that the lesson notes must
be handwritten and refused to accept printed lesson notes until the past
term. It is thus not true that the lesson notes were not prepared and
submitted,” he said.
He has meanwhile indicated his preparedness to take the legal route and
seek redress from the court.
Teacher Kwadwo also cried out for an unfair hearing in the GES’ third
point in which he is found guilty of gross insubordination.
He protested never at any point has that come up during his battle with
the GES and that the law of natural justice which dictates both sides of
an issue are heard was not followed with that.
Teacher Kwadwo was dismissed by the GES on Saturday, December 18,